Monday, 20 August 2012


Recently Dr. Uppal attended World Congress of Neurology at London, and from where he learned the new technique of treating paralysis (stroke)  patients ; while adopting this , he has benefitted many patients.
In this technique a German made injection is given within 2-3 hours of the start of the paralysis and this injection dissolves the clot in the brain, when this clot is dissolved , more than 90% stroke recovers.
For the awareness of the public, when the paralysis just starts, patients may feel numbness and weakness of hands and arms or face or legs or the whole one side of the body, speech problems, vertigo, giddiness and then weakness of body. This time you should run to the doctor. This new treatment is beneficial only when started within 2-3 hours of the start of the stroke. Now Stroke is called BRAIN ATTACK and compared with the Heart Attack where early treatment can save the patients.


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